
Corporations Burning Out Employees at Alarming Rate

Finding top notch employees has never been more difficult, but that hasn’t stopped corporate America from burning out its workforce at a record rate. According to a recent study conducted by The Gallup Organization, 23% of employees reported feeling burned out at work very often or always, while an additional 44% reported feeling burned out sometimes. That makes almost two-thirds of the workforce that is experiencing burnout on the job.

Employees experiencing burnout are 63% more likely to take a sick day and almost three times as likely to be seeking another job. Burned out employees are even 25% more likely to visit the emergency room with a stress related ailment.

Primary reasons for burnout

According to Gallup there are five primary reasons organizations are burning out their employees: They include: 1.) unmanageable workload, 2) unfair treatment, 3) lack of role clarity, 4) lack of communication and support from their manager and 5) unreasonable time pressure.

Steps to reduce burnout

The study makes several suggestions as it relates to reducing employee burnout.

  1. Train your managers to recognize and respond to burnout.
  2. Make “well-being” an important part of your company culture.
  3. Alter company systems and structures to reduce stress.
  4. Provide employees with more autonomy and flexibility.

More information on the above research can be found in Grant’s book Diagnosing Your Team: A Practical Guide to Understanding and Transforming Your Team.

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By: Thompson Consulting

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Thompson Consulting Group is a management consulting company devoted to helping organizations develop leaders, improve morale, and increase efficiency. Our approach is to assess and fully understand our client’s challenges, consult and develop a tailored solution, and provide leadership and management training to implement this solution.

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